Do Something That Truly Scares You

It doesn't take much effort at all to get into a routine that involves lululemons, wine and Housewives. Yes, it's relaxing and I absolutely indulge in this every once in a while, but today, I want to talk about changing things up. Let's talk about the importance of putting yourself out there, getting uncomfortable and doing something new and different that totally scares you. 

Routine can be fantastic. I have a morning routine that I try to follow at the start of every day. But routine is also comfortable and familiar. It's easy. Over the last year, I've made a conscious decision to get uncomfortable, break my old patterns and make my heart race!

And just to be clear, I'm not talking about jumping out of planes or running through traffic, unless that's your thing. 

Both of my parents are entrepreneurs, so the startup bug is in my blood. I'm obsessed by the idea of creating new things, pushing myself and taking risks, but only recently have I come to understand how important it is for me to step out of my comfort zone and get scared.

A year and a half ago I took my first major leap and started my health and wellness consulting business along with this website. Ever since then, I've been pretty scared, nearly every day. Some days, I'm terrified. Now, you're probably thinking, wow, that's crazy....Yes. I am crazy. But, I've also seen how quickly being terrified has forced me to grow and learn. 

Early last year I hosted a big health and wellness event at Rebecca Minkoff. I think I pretty much blacked out when I spoke in front of everyone that was there, but the event turned out to be amazing! After that, I got an influx of new, super successful female clients. Amazing, but also terrifying. Soon after, I was offered the opportunity to appear regularly on KTVU...I still feel like I'm going to vomit every time I go on air. Afterwards, I began doing some radio segments...oh god. Sooo scary. Now, I regularly set up meetings with people that are much smarter and more successful than I am so that I can learn, grown and become more like them. This too is totally terrifying. Just last week I found myself pounding my head again my bedroom wall after talking myself in circles to a VC...whoops. But, at least I did it, and oh boy did I learn!

So, where have all of these scary, risky steps gotten me? To the very best business opportunity of my life. And also the scariest. A few months back, I was presented with the idea of a lifetime. A business that 100% jives with my health and wellness beliefs while also supporting and celebrating women. I've been working on it for over 7 months with my team and am almost ready to announce it to you guys. I seriously cannot wait!

I've gone 100% all in on this new venture. That means all of my time and some of my own hard earned cash has gone into making this new business work. I'm forced to talk to people that are wayyy cooler, smarter and more successful than I am, every single day. I'm learning at a million miles a minute while also making a TON of mistakes. But...I'm doing it! And slowly but surely, I am building a brand and a business that I will be forever proud of.

So with that, do your best to scare yourself a little tomorrow, and just start small. Try going into your bosses office to ask for some advice or text that acquaintance you've always wanted to grab drinks with but are too intimidated to see if they actually want to hang out. It's really important that we all step outside our own comfort zones more often because that's where the magic happens! Sometimes that magic is embarrassment or humiliation but you'll be better for it. I promise. So go get em! 

PS- I'll be announcing my new project here within the next couple of week so stay tuned!!! xxoo