My Truths

Over the last few weeks, I've been honing in on which core values I want represented when working with clients and while writing on this site. Why am I doing this and what is the greater purpose? Who do I serve and am I making an impact? As I ask myself these questions, I seem to always come back to the same set of thoughts and feelings. 

I decided to begin my road to health and wellness coaching for a couple of reasons. First, I was tired of restricting my calories and foods, overexercising, and just basically feeling like crap all of the time despite thinking that I was taking care of my body. 

Second, I realized that I wasn't alone in this feeling. Nearly every woman that I had talked to was exhausted, stressed at work, trying to lose weight, restricting calories and still not looking or feeling their best. What gives? 

So, I've built this out of frustration really. I'm frustrated that we are constantly told to eat less and exercise more. I'm frustrated that we are lead to believe that restricting our diets, eating less fat and running all day are the only ways to a "happy, healthy life." Yeah, ummm, no! I'm angry that women are afraid of food.

I also sense anxiety and confusion because there is so much information out there. What diet should I do? How many calories should I eat? When should I exercise? All questions that don't address the underlying goal of health: do I FEEL good? 

My goal is to begin a journey to help women find peace with their bodies, fall in love with food again, and look and feel their very best. We are all trying to kick ass at life, whether it's at our high powered jobs, raising wonderful children, giving back to our community or loving on our families. So, I'm creating a platform where women can do just that -- kick ass and feel great. 

This is a place where food is nourishing and brings light and life to our bodies and minds. A place where health isn't centered around counting or restricting but on nourishing radiance, confidence and passion. A place to share what has worked for me, my clients and others that I've helped and where you can talk about what's working for you or where you need support. I'm building a community of strong women that can support each other in a detox of all that is negative. 

So, with that, I leave you with the 4 truths that I preach every day in my practice as well as in my personal life.

1.    Food is not bad
2.    You are powerful
3.    Be balanced
4.    Your life is your art

Join my community and lets start a conversation and detox the negative! Leave a comment below, shoot me an email ( or connect with me on social media. 

Instagram :: @darbyjacksonwellness

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Twitter :: @darbyjax