Choosing the right kind of olive oil or coconut oil an be really hard, even for those of us that are in the know! For instance, what is expeller pressed olive oil vs extra virgin? Why would I need virgin coconut oil vs. organic? Should my olive oil be unrefined? These words add up to a lot of confusion, so I'm here to help you sort it all out and make the most informed decision that you can next time you're at the store.
Olive Oil
Okay so olive oil is actually a little bit scary if you don't know what to look for. A recent study done at UC Davis reported that 69% of olive oil imported and labeled "extra virgin" failed to meet standards in an expert smell and taste test. In the book Extra Virginity by Tom Mueller, the author says, "resellers add lower-priced, low-grade oils filled with artificial coloring to extra-virgin olive oil" Ummm, ewww. So, I've enlisted help from the incredible Dr. Mark Hyman to help us all made an educated decision next time be buy olive oil. This excerpt is from his article in Eco Watch.
Choose the right olive oil :
Always choose extra-virgin, which is the oil that is derived from the first pressing of the olives. This version of the oil contains many nutrients (such as polyphenos) that protect it from heat damage. One study compared the anti-inflammatory power from the oil resulting from the first pressing of olives with that of later pressings. Researchers found extra-virgin olive oil lowered inflammation, while oil from later pressings did not.
Choose unfiltered. Unfiltered olive oil will appear to be cloudy because it contains naturally occurring elements like antioxidants and buffer acids which protect against oxidative damage.
Also look for cold-pressed olive oil, which means manufacturers use very little heat when processing olives to get the oil. Cold-pressed extra-virgin olive oil provides the strongest possible nutrient value because of low-heat processing, coupled with the oil’s first pressing high phytonutrient content.
Be aware of misleading claims by big food companies who throw around misleading terms like “pure olive oil.” These somewhat misleading phrases, which are aimed for your wallet more than your health, often signify a mix of unrefined and refined virgin olive oils.
Also avoid extra-light olive oil. Companies love slapping this “light” term on foods because it plays into your low-fat fears. These terms subtly suggest all fats are bad and make you fat, yet if you’ve read my books or blogs you know fats are not bad. Low-fat or “light” foods are typically highly refined and processed. Remember, nothing in nature comes in “low-fat” form
Also, remember that olive oil is great for cooking at very low temperatures or as a dressing or garnish after your food has been cooked. Olive oil can become toxic if it's heated above a certain point so stay away from using it when you are cooking at high heat.
THIS is my favorite olive oil brand!
Coconut oil
Luckily, coconut oil is a little bit more straight forward and there doesn't seem to be quite as much tampering going on. As many of you know, I'm a really big coconut oil fan. I use it for cooking, baking, in my smoothies, tea, coffee and then also in my hair and on my face. Pretty much whenever I have a problem, coconut oil is the answer! But, there are still a lot of words out there like extra virgin or cold-pressed that cause a lot of confusion.
How to choose the right coconut oil :
Always choose coconut oil that is organic, virgin, cold-pressed and unrefined. Avoid products that are bleached or deodorized.
Unlike olive oil, coconut oil is much more stable. You can use it to cook at slightly higher temps, add it to drinks, smoothies or just smother it all over you hair and body like I do!
THIS is the coconut oil that I love!
So, I hope that all of your coconut and olive oil woes have been sorted out! I always love to hear from you so if you have a wonderful brand that you like to use or have questions or comments, please let me know in the comments below or on my Facebook page! I'm going to go put some coconut oil on my face now :)
Source : This article was sourced from Eco Watch and written by Dr. Mark Hyman. HERE is the link to the article.