My 5-Day Wellness Diary

Right now I'm taking a small group of women through my 10 Day Refresh. It's a really engaging, motivating program that I've built just for YOU and can't wait to release! Stay tuned, more to come soon. I love the program because it's really interactive and about much more than just what you put in your mouth. We talk about energy, sleep, relationships and stress and I've included steps to take to begin addressing what needs to change in your life. Hint: It's not just the food. 

As I've been taking these women through my refresh I've been getting a lot of questions about my daily diet, workouts and overall wellness routine. A few months ago I gave you some insight into my wellness diary and received a lot of positive feedback from followers, so I've decided to do it again. Below you will see my diet, sleep, exercise and wellness details for the last 5 days. You'll see that I am definitely not perfect, so I hope that you fine both peace and inspiration in what I share here. 

Friday, May 20th :: 

This is the grain free avocado zucchini cake I made for my friends 30th! Recipe will be up on the site later this week! 

  • Woke up at 630AM and started my morning with warm water and lemon and then a big cup of coffee. 
  • No time to hit the gym this morning so I just did 50 quick squats and 50 push ups in my kitchen. Hey, every little bit counts! 
  • Breakfast 830 AM: Leftovers from the night before which was an organic rotisserie chicken and broccoli. I topped it with avocado and then also had a bulletproof coffee. I found out several months ago that I'm allergic to eggs so I've been staying away from them, hence the weird breakfast.
  • Lunch 2PM: Canned wild tuna from trader joe's on a big salad with cucumbers, tomatoes, olives and olive oil. 
  • Meditation 3-315: I was feeling stressed about some work I needed to get done so I took one of my crystals, sat outside and meditated for 15 minutes. When I feel myself getting really anxious and stressed I force myself to do this and it's been a game changer! It's so much better than getting all worked up. 
  • Snack 330 PM: Kombucha
  • Dinner: It was my friends 30th birthday party so I had 2 glasses of red wine, some asparagus appetizers that I brought, roasted brussel sprouts and cauliflower from a restaurant in Oakland that catered. Then, I finished that off with a piece of birthday cake that I made. The cake was my grain free zucchini and avocado cake topped with vanilla icing. So good! 
  • Bed: I was asleep by 1130PM 

Saturday, May 21st: 

Skiing in Tahoe on May 21st! Unreal. 

  • Woke up at 7AM which is on the early side for a Saturday for me but we drove to Tahoe for a wedding. 
  • Breakfast 730AM: Warm water with lemon followed by a big bulletproof coffee for the drive up. 
  • Exercise: We got to Squaw by 1100 AM and skied pretty hard until 2PM. Yup, that's right, Squaw was open and there was amazing snow in May! It was so much fun! 
  • You'll notice that I fasted all the way through skiing. I do this occasionally on weekends to boost my metabolism and do a little detox. Intermittent fasting can be really effective if you do it right. I eat a really high fat diet so adding in fasts here and there works for me so I don't feel tired or hungry. 
  • Lunch 3PM: We had a big lunch at Sunnyside for our apre ski chow down. I had two curried ribs as an appetizer, then a glass of chardonnay and a grass fed burger with avocado and no bun. 
  • Dinner: We were at a wedding at West Shore Cafe and it was amazing! I had roast chicken with veggies for dinner and then had 2 glasses of wine and 2 margaritas (whoops). Open bar will do that to me! 
  • Bed: I'm asleep by midnight

Sunday, May 22nd:

  • Slept in until 1030 which is definitely what my body needed! It's been a whirlwind of a month so when I can get extra sleep, I take advantage of it. When I woke up I had some warm water (no lemons) and then a big cup of coffee. 
  • Breakfast at 1130: Bacon, tons of kale sautéed in butter and a breakfast sausage. Then, I was still hungry so I had a TBSP of almond butter. 
  • At around 1PM I started my descent from Tahoe back down to The Bay. I filled my time listening to some nerdy nutrition podcasts.  
  • Snack 5PM: You'll notice that my eating times were a little off today because breakfast was so late. I don't typically stick to normal eating times, instead I do my best to just listen to when my body is hungry. For a snack I made some of my Awaken Cereal which is basically coconut milk mixed with protein powder, chia seeds, flax seeds, raw cacao and some goji berries. 
  • Intention Setting: I took some time to write out my goals and intentions for the week. I am feeling a little nervous because I'm on KTVU Channel 2 tomorrow morning so I need to calm my nerves and get my brain focused. I wrote out exactly how the show would go, how well I saw myself doing and then mediated on those intentions for about 15 minutes. 
  • Dinner 8PM: Organic pork chop with sautéed kale and spinach and topped with avocado. 
  • Went to bed at 930PM. Tomorrow's a BIG day so it's early to bed for me! 

Monday, May 23rd: 

Here I am on KTVU on Monday morning talking about food and mood! 

  • Woke up at 630AM after a really restful, deep night sleep! I started off with a cup of warm water with lemon and a big cup of coffee. 
  • Meditation 7-730AM: I started my morning with some more meditation. It's a big day so it's important that I'm grounded, present and really focused. I visualize the way that my segment will go on KTVU, re-read my facts and talk out loud to myself to get pumped up! 
  • Breakfast 8AM: I don't have much time and know that I need to be really focused so I have what I call my Fat Bomb breakfast. It sounds super weird but it's the most delicious thing ever! It's 2 TBSP almond butter mixed with 1/2 an avocado, 1/2 scoop vega protein powder, hemp seeds and 1 TBSP MCT oil. Stir it all together and enjoy! 
  • 945 AM: Killed it on KTVU and am so proud of myself! Following the show I head straight to my personal training sessions with clients. 
  • Exercise 1230-130PM: Intense spin and barre class at Dailey Method. It feels so good to really sweat it out!
  • Lunch 2PM: Fresh wild salmon on a bed of spinach with olive oil and some sautéed cauliflower rice in turmeric and butter.  
  • Happy Hour 430PM: Met a friend for a glass of wine which felt so nice for a Monday!
  • Dinner 7PM: 2 sausages sliced and stir fried in with spinach, asparagus, broccoli and carrots. I stopped this with avocado. You'll notice that my dinners are NOT fancy at all this week. My husband is out of town so I basically just throw some kind of protein into a pan with some veggies and cook with a healthy fat like butter, coconut oil or ghee. 
  • I'm in bed by 930PM again. I LOVE going to bed early when I can. Sleep is my jam. 

Tuesday, May 24th

  • Wake up at 630AM and start my morning with warm water and lemon followed by a big cup of coffee. I followed this with a brief 10 minute meditation before I head to the gym. I try to do this every morning before I workout. 
  • Exercise 730-830AM: This morning I hit the gym pretty hard. I did heavy front squats and bench press followed by some tabata sprints on the rower. I ended with about 10 minutes of handstand practice. I made a goal to perfect my handstand in May so I work on it everyday. 
  • Breakfast 9AM: This morning I made another one of my Fat Bomb breakfasts. They are the best!! Then I had another cup of coffee.
  • Lunch 1PM: Wild caught salmon over a bed of spinach with half an avocado and olive oil. I also had a kombucha. 
  • 6PM Snack and Daily Gratitude: I made this amazing bone broth so I had a big cup of that with some salt and turmeric added in. I use this time to finish up some work and then write out 5 things I'm grateful for. Sounds corny but it's been helping me stay happy and focused. 
  • Dinner 8PM: 1 glass of red wine with basically about a pound of veggies sautéed in ghee and one sausage. 
  • Dessert 9PM: A couple of pieces of dark chocolate. 
  • In bed again by 10PM and am out like a light! 

So there you have it; my week (including a weekend) of nutrition, exercise, wellness and sleep. Life is all about finding balance in being healthy and good to your body while also enjoying all of the fun, wonderful things our modern world has to offer us. While I did indulge a little more than normal this weekend (alcohol wise), weddings and other special events are things that I want to celebrate and truly enjoy. So, I indulge a little bit more and then clean things up the week after. 

I'd love to hear about your health, nutrition, sleep and wellness. Do you have a meditation practice? What kinds of workouts do you like? Have you tried intermittent fasting? Leave your questions or comments below. I'd love to hear from you! 

