The Meat Myth

I recently read an article from the New York Times titled β€œThe Myth of High Protein Diets.” The article went on to say that eating meat is bad and that everyone should switch over to a plant based diet. Most of what this article says I can agree with, up to a certain point.  Eating more plants, less sugar, refined and processed foods and drinking more water will move any unhealthy person in the right direction; that is pretty simple. But is meat really all bad?

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Friday Favorites

I love a lot of things, especially food! But, as we all know, there is a lot of crap out there that is marketed to us as being "healthy" and "healing" but is really full of sugar and preservatives, so the health world can be really hard to navigate. After many requests from clients and readers, I've decided that every Friday I will share some of my absolute favorite things here on my site. These are products, foods, snacks, supplements, you name it, that I use and whole-heartedly believe in. So, lets get right to it! 

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I Found Your New Healthy East Bay Cafe

You know that rush you get when you're shopping a sale on Black Friday or see that your favorite pair of shoes just went on sale? I had that feeling today;  your heart starts fluttering, you get kind of nervous excited and a rush of energy surges through you...but I was at a health food cafe. Yes, I know, weird, but that's how AMAZING these two places that I visited today were.

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