Ease Your Holiday Stress and Anxiety

I'm a huge fan of adaptogens. I first heard about them on Dave Asprey's Bulletproof podcast and have been hooked ever since. Adaptogens have been used for hundreds of years in Chinese medicine and have played an important role in helping me manage my anxiety and fatigue. 

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The Science Behind Your Sugar Addiction and How to Kick the Habit

Why do most diets fail? Because many of the foods that we eat today are biologically addictive. That means that our food is so chemically engineered that it tricks our brains into thinking that our stomach needs more. This brings me to our current view on diets and of those who are overweight and obese. Do Americans simply have a complete lack of willpower or is food addiction a real thing?

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I Gave Up Coffee for 6 Weeks and Here's What Happened

If you know me, then you know that I have a serious coffee addiction. It all started back when I was about 12 years old. I was always so much taller than everyone else in my grade and couldn't help but be really embarrassed about it. I had long limbs and seemed to trip over anything and everything on the playground. Not cool. 

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