Snacking Ideas :: Fast, Easy and Convenient

Arming yourself with the right snacks when you are starting to implement a healthy lifestyle is incredibly important. You want to be sure to set yourself up for success so that you aren't tempted by all of the processed, pre-packaged junk that's out there. Especially during the holidays! 

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Ask Your Health Coach: 5 Burning Health Questions I Get From Clients

Can I eat carbs? How many hours of sleep do I need? Is fat bad? In this Q&A I answer the questions I'm asked most often by my clients. Some of my answers might surprise you, but they're almost guaranteed to help you feel happier and healthier in no time. Do you have other questions that you don't see answered here? Ask in the comments below! 

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The Science Behind Your Sugar Addiction and How to Kick the Habit

Why do most diets fail? Because many of the foods that we eat today are biologically addictive. That means that our food is so chemically engineered that it tricks our brains into thinking that our stomach needs more. This brings me to our current view on diets and of those who are overweight and obese. Do Americans simply have a complete lack of willpower or is food addiction a real thing?

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What are ketones and why should you care?

I began studying health, wellness and nutrition some years ago because I felt really crappy all of the time. I was thinking about food every second of the day (because I was always starving), limiting my calories, had really bad brain fog, didn't sleep well and wasn't seeing great results in the gym. Not to mention, food made me feel really anxious because I wasn't sure what was really good for me. My entire concept of food health revolved around calories in food and nothing else. 

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How to Have More Energy - Naturally!

Rest and rejuvenation seem to be lost words in this fast paced world. To most, they are signs of weakness or show a lack of productivity. Many of us work 10 plus hour days, whether that is in an office environment, in a classroom, or as a new mother (which is more like a 24/7 job). Whichever the case, we are stretching ourselves thin while still trying to exercise, have a social life and remain somewhat sane.

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Eat Fat Burn Fat!

Back in the 80's scientists recommended that the US adopt a low fat, low calorie diet in order to lose weight. Unfortunately, the very next year obesity skyrocketed and has continued to climb steadily ever since. Why exactly did this happen? “Fat calories speed up your metabolism. Fats have to be burned. They don’t spike insulin and aren’t easily stored in the body”, Dr Mark Hyman explains.  

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Learn to Navigate Airport Food

Eating at airports normally isn't very fun. Like I mentioned in my last post, I try to travel with as many snacks and meals as possible and also do my best to eat before I have a long travel day. But, life happens and sometimes you've just gotta eat!

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Your Business Trip Essentials

This week I'm leaving on a four day business trip to Orlando, Florida. I'm going to be up early, getting to bed late and running at 100 miles per minute. With that in mind, I'm doing my best to prepare by bringing quality snacks and foods with me.

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The Smart Way to Save Money on Healthy Food

In a world where drive-thru hamburger joints and $1 pizza slices outnumber farmers markets and grocery stores, eating healthy can be a challenge. Even when you make up your mind to resist deep-fried temptation and go for a salad, you too often end up in sticker-shock.

Trust me, I know how this goes - I've been that person in shock at checkout. A small bag of jerky or kale chips shouldn't cost 7 times the cost of french fries! 

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Here's why grass-fed butter is one of the healthiest fats on the planet

Butter? Healthy? This sounds like madness you say! Welp, I'm here to tell you that it's actually one of the most nutrient dense, healing fats you can put into your body. Grass-fed butter has been shown to decrease (yes, I said decrease) your overall cholesterol, help you lose fat, stay fuller longer and lower your risk of heart disease. Read on for a great article on the health benefits of grass-fed butter thanks to

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