Eat Fat Burn Fat!

Back in the 80's scientists recommended that the US adopt a low fat, low calorie diet in order to lose weight. Unfortunately, the very next year obesity skyrocketed and has continued to climb steadily ever since. Why exactly did this happen? “Fat calories speed up your metabolism. Fats have to be burned. They don’t spike insulin and aren’t easily stored in the body”, Dr Mark Hyman explains.  

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The Smart Way to Save Money on Healthy Food

In a world where drive-thru hamburger joints and $1 pizza slices outnumber farmers markets and grocery stores, eating healthy can be a challenge. Even when you make up your mind to resist deep-fried temptation and go for a salad, you too often end up in sticker-shock.

Trust me, I know how this goes - I've been that person in shock at checkout. A small bag of jerky or kale chips shouldn't cost 7 times the cost of french fries! 

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