What should I drink this weekend?

When most people begin implementing healthier choices into their lives they think that it means no alcohol of any kind, ever again. I’m a firm believer that you need to enjoy your life to be healthy and for many people that includes a drink or two. Now, I’m not saying that you can’t enjoy life without alcohol or that hitting the bar is healthier than going on a hike or getting to bed early, but for most of us, it’s an integral part of our social lives and can be enjoyed moderately.

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5 sources of sugar you wouldn't expect

Sugar is one of the worst things we can put into our bodies. Fat Chance author Dr. Robert Lustig actually called it "the Voldemort of the dietary hit list." But, cutting sugar from your diet isn't as simple as we might think. Sugar is added to SO many different foods, including foods that you wouldn't even expect. 

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Artificial Sweeteners are Making you Fat and Sick

Aspartame and other artificial sweeteners like splenda and sweet n’ low are primarily marketed to diabetics and people that are trying to lose weight. But, contrary to what we’ve been led to believe, artificial sweeteners can cause weight gain, insulin sensitivity, and even increase your chances of getting Alzheimers. Yes, I know, so scary.

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The Truth About Grains from Wheat Belly Author William Davis

The notion that whole grains are good for you is actually not based on any kind of logic. Many years ago, when scientists replaced white flours in breads and baked goods with whole grain flour, they did see a small improvement. People lost a bit of weight loss, there was a small decrease in colon cancer and less heart disease. But, what they forgot to look at was, what does it look like when grains are not involved at all? 

Author of The Wheat Belly, William Davis, addresses the importance of eliminating all grains from your diet in the article below. Grains are toxic, cause weight gain and a host of other diseases and problems. I encourage my clients to do their best to eliminate grains from their diet and the results are always fabulous. Read on for a Q&A with Dr. Oz and William Davis compliments of DrOz.com. 

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Here's why grass-fed butter is one of the healthiest fats on the planet

Butter? Healthy? This sounds like madness you say! Welp, I'm here to tell you that it's actually one of the most nutrient dense, healing fats you can put into your body. Grass-fed butter has been shown to decrease (yes, I said decrease) your overall cholesterol, help you lose fat, stay fuller longer and lower your risk of heart disease. Read on for a great article on the health benefits of grass-fed butter thanks to EcoWatch.com

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Create love and happiness in your life

About two months ago I finished reading this incredible book called The Four Agreements. The book is rooted in ancient Toltec wisdom and gives you four principles to practice to create love and happiness in your life.  Now, there are a lot of books out there with this same goal and many of them are really effective. What really spoke to me about this book was how simple author Don Miguel Ruiz made it to implement these practices into your life but with an understanding that we will all fail at them throughout our lives. What's important to remember here though, is that the failure isn't a bad thing. Miguel emphasizes that every human "fails" at certain things but that is what makes us utterly and completely perfect. Failure is part of your life's perfect plan, so embrace it!

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Make Peace With Your Body: Geneen Roth

Dr. Geneen Roth is a goddess. She has transformed thousands, if not millions of female lives with her book Women Food and God as well as with her workshops and articles. She has helped me find peace with my body and to love every part of it.

This article perfectly describes the difference between being well and being perfect and how cruel we can be to ourselves. It's so important to take care of yourself and eat in a way that gives you life and love. No one has ever reached their goals or felt happy by being hard on themselves. True happiness starts with loving yourself and your body. 

Read on for some fantastic words from Geneen Roth. If you are struggling with body image or emotional eating I really encourage you to pick up her book Women Food and God. I reference it all the time when I am working with my clients as it's a life changing piece of work full of love and light. 


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Get After It - A Beginners Week of Workouts

Fitness can be really intimidating. For one reason or another, almost everyone goes through periods in their life where exercise is no longer a priority. It could be that you've started a new job, just had a baby, moved or you're just really burned out. Whatever the reason, it happens! Here's an easy way to get back at it without hours in the gym; plus it's fun!

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I Found Your New Healthy East Bay Cafe

You know that rush you get when you're shopping a sale on Black Friday or see that your favorite pair of shoes just went on sale? I had that feeling today;  your heart starts fluttering, you get kind of nervous excited and a rush of energy surges through you...but I was at a health food cafe. Yes, I know, weird, but that's how AMAZING these two places that I visited today were.

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Charcoal Toothpaste...It's Real and Totally Amazing!

Charcoal, in your mouth? That's right! Activated charcoal toothpaste is where it's at! 

For those of you unfamiliar with activated charcoal, it’s one of the world’s oldest detoxifying remedies. It has been used for thousands of years in Chinese Medicine and is even used in hospitals today to help patients that have ingested large amounts of toxins.

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Heal your gut, heal your body

Your gut is home to trillions of bacteria. These bacteria are in charge of helping you digest and absorb food, create energy, regulate hormones, maintain your weight and pretty much everything else important that happens in your body. So yes, having a healthy gut is pretty much everything!

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Your All Natural Hangover Cure!

So, last night my brother-in-law was drafted by the Seattle Mariners in the fifth round, woohoo!!! Naturally, it was time to party and drink lots of margaritas! Before I know that I'm going to be drinking or eating something not so healthy food (which yes, I do LOVE to do!) I eat a tablespoon of umeboshi plum. 

Umeboshi is a japanese plumb known for its powerful alkalizing effect on the body. The plumb is wonderful at neutralizing fatigue, promoting digestion and eliminating toxins from the body, making it a powerful hangover remedy! Take a tablespoon or so before you head out for a large meal or drinks and then take another tablespoon before you go to bed. Hangover, CURED! Just a word of warning, it's not the best tasting stuff in the world. I normally chase it with some tea or a tasty beverage so that I taste as little of the umeboshi as possible. It's definitely worth it though! 

You can find umeboshi at Whole Foods Market in the Japanese food section or order it online from a variety of online markets. 

Today I sprinted and it was awful!

I was not built for land. Trust me. When I was little and my parents put me in AYSO, I spent most of my time sitting in the middle of the field picking flowers for my hair or making flutes out of grass. Then, on the rare occasion that I would run after the ball, it was normally followed by a mouthful of grass after I tripped, hard! My dad used to joke that I was like a bull in a China shop.

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I'm a professional, wannabe athlete

I used to be an athlete. Like a big time, workout 6 hours a day, travel the world athlete. I went to UC Berkeley on a full ride water polo scholarship, was a starter in the Junior World Championships and a member of the Senior National Team. I worked out harder than anyone I know, swam miles per day, lifted more than men on the Berkeley basketball team (seriously), and was so darn proud of my body and the shape that I was in.

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