4 Nutrients That I Can't Live Without

As a Health Coach and Personal Trainer, the nutrition choices that I make are about so much more than what will give me "the perfect body". Quite frankly, the perfect body is not what I'm really after anymore. Sure, I want a toned physique and strong arms but not at the expense of my energy, happiness and enjoyment of life's pleasures. So this week, I've created this blog post on my 4 favorite nutrients for my team over at Mint Studios!

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The Benefits of Intermittent Fasting

Lately I've been talking a lot about intermittent fasting and bulletproof on my instagram and snapchat, so naturally, I'm getting a lot of questions. Today, I want to spend some time explaining what the heck intermittent fasting (IF) actually is, why it's amazing and how it's totally different than what you think it is. 

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Shop The Right Protein Bars

There are a lot of products out there that are marketed to us as being healthy, when it reality, they are full of sugar, processed carbohydrates and additives; protein bars are some of the WORST! So, if these bars are made to look healthy, how do we read between the lines and make the right choice?

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The Meat Myth

I recently read an article from the New York Times titled “The Myth of High Protein Diets.” The article went on to say that eating meat is bad and that everyone should switch over to a plant based diet. Most of what this article says I can agree with, up to a certain point.  Eating more plants, less sugar, refined and processed foods and drinking more water will move any unhealthy person in the right direction; that is pretty simple. But is meat really all bad?

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5 Ways to Eat Healthily on a Budget

In a world where drive-thru hamburger joints and $1 pizza slices outnumber farmers markets and grocery stores, eating healthy can be a challenge. Even when you make up your mind to resist deep-fried temptation and go for a salad, you too often end up in sticker-shock.
Trust me, I know how this goes - I've been that person in shock at checkout. A small bag of jerky or green juice shouldn't cost 7 times the cost of french fries! So, this week I'm sharing my top 5 tips to eat well without breaking the bank. Yes, it absolutely can be done!

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The Truth About How I Got Here

In my early 20's I never once thought about my body, calories, love handles or cellulite. I grew up a big time athlete. I played water polo and swam my entire life and had one single focus that drove all of my decisions. I was going to the Olympics to play water polo. It was my life. My dream. It was all I thought about.

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Ask Your Health Coach: 5 Burning Health Questions I Get From Clients

Can I eat carbs? How many hours of sleep do I need? Is fat bad? In this Q&A I answer the questions I'm asked most often by my clients. Some of my answers might surprise you, but they're almost guaranteed to help you feel happier and healthier in no time. Do you have other questions that you don't see answered here? Ask in the comments below! 

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Food Myths Debunked

There are a lot of food myths out there and on this week's segment of The 9 on KTVU I set the record straight on a few. These myths stem from old scientific research, magazines, gossip between friends and from marketers simply trying to sell us all more product. In this segment I cut through the noise to clarify whether going gluten free really is better for you and why low fat, diet foods may be sabotaging your health. 

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Body Talk :: Time to Get Positive

Think about your attitude toward your body for a second. Are you on a diet because you hate your body or because you love yourself and want to take better care of your body and mind? When you talk about yourself do you focus on the sum of what is wrong with you instead of focusing on what is right? 

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The Science Behind Your Sugar Addiction and How to Kick the Habit

Why do most diets fail? Because many of the foods that we eat today are biologically addictive. That means that our food is so chemically engineered that it tricks our brains into thinking that our stomach needs more. This brings me to our current view on diets and of those who are overweight and obese. Do Americans simply have a complete lack of willpower or is food addiction a real thing?

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My 5-Day Wellness Diary

A few months ago I gave you some insight into my wellness diary and received a lot of positive feedback from followers, so I've decided to do it again. Below you will see my diet, sleep, exercise and wellness details for the last 5 days. You'll see that I am definitely not perfect, so I hope that you fine both peace and inspiration in what I share here. 

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